It takes a diverse and multi-faceted family to see God’s will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
The theme of Jesus’ life was the kingdom of God. Jesus would invite all people into this kingdom. He told them it’s like a mustard seed, or like a person who sold everything to get the field with the treasure. As a first-century Jew, Jesus knew Scripture and the words of the Hebrew prophets that went before him. The central hopes of the prophets pointed to a time when God would intervene and bring restoration to Israel and to all of creation.
This kind of cosmic restoration isn’t something for a few or those with titles. It’s a work for everyone. The Directional Team at Mosaic invites your presence and voice into the family to help us continually discern how Jesus is leading us as a local church to bring about God’s restoration in our local context.
Being a part of Mosaic Core isn’t just about attending meetings and casting votes.
Being a part of Mosaic Core means:
- joining your voice with the Directional Team at various times as we discern God’s work among us,
- confessing the historic Christian creeds and passing this Christian heritage to the next generation,
- serving others within the Mosaic family while guarding its unity,
- and arranging one’s financial resources to support Mosaic by giving regularly.
There are many times during the course of a year where Mosaic’s Directional Team invites Mosaic Core to discern next steps. Too, it’s from our Core community that new Directional Team members are nominated and voted upon. Directional Team members can serve 2 consecutive 3-year terms and then a new member replaces him/her. Our Directional Team meets at least every other month to discern our mission, movements, and budget. They provide wonderful oversight to our staff and prayerfully care for the Mosaic family. We’d love to hear from you if you’re feeling led to join your voice with Mosaic Core.
How do I respond to say ‘yes’ to Mosaic Core?
Please complete the following fields and one of our Directional Team leaders will follow up with you.